ASB Founding Father's

The Committee of The Australian Society of Baking have chosen the 70th Conference Celebrations in May 2007 to honour those men who were involved with the commencement of the Society and have remained on-going members over the years.

This National Society was started by a group of like-minded men who all had a yearning to share information, broaden the knowledge of their Industry and open up communication channels with people the width and breadth of Australia and overseas.

The ASB committee realised that today we are the heirs to the optimism of these pioneers, who back in 1970 believed that if they kept our Industry informed, then today we would be a better, more superior, more attractive Industry of which to be a member.

Today is a defining moment for these men, because today is the day that back in the 1970’s they dreamed about.  The day where there is no limit to the aspirations and successes for young members of our Industry.

Our knowledge has been broadened and enriched by the years of shared information.  Our Founding Fathers provided a framework for directing that knowledge with the formation of the ASB and showed there is nothing more effective than ‘powerful simplicity’.

They sought a way forward to benefit anyone in our Industry that’s wished to join; they recognised that information was a commodity and that to forge ahead in our careers we had to add value to what we could offer ad the sharing of information was a key factor of our worth to the Industry.

For our younger and newer members, today is the day you set your compass for the future, with determination and inspiration equal to our Founding Fathers.

One day, this will be yours to enjoy.  So today is about recognising our heritage and rewarding those that made it possible.  Human thinking is the most important resource we have and there is always a great deal of room for improvement.

Our Founding Fathers opened up the possibilities for us and then designed a way of turning those possibilities into realities.


  • Sydney Packham – 1970
  • Ken Packham – 1970
  • John Murphy – 1970
  • Max Notley – 1970
  • Harold Ewen – 1970
  • John Packham – 1970
  • Jack Simpson – 1971
  • Zig Bluzmanis – 1971
  • Phil Dadd -1971
  • Ian Middleton – 1971
  • Mike Dennis – 1971
  • Ernie Eves – 1971
  • Robin Alberry – 1972
  • John Gibbs – 1972
  • Robert Davies -1973
  • Bert Milgate – 1973
  • Fred Jones – 1973
  • Ron Devereaux – 1974
  • Bob Jones – 1974
  • Erroll Thompson 1975
  • Mike Flemming – 1976
  • Brian Fox – 1976
  • Theo Hansen – 1976
  • John Janson – 1977
  • Wayne Rapp – 1977
  • Grahame McLeod – 1977
  • Robert Omara – 1977
  • Laurie Gray – 1977
  • Ken Bartelli – 1977
  • Lindsay Weber – 1978
  • Ken Williams -1978

Ken Packham – Joined 1970 (First Chairman + 1971, 1973)

Ken returned to Australia after graduating from the American Institute of Baking in 1959 and joined the emerging Allied Mills Baking Division (later Buttercup). His first branch management position was in 1961, followed by three transfers to Sydney bakeries. He then became State Manager of South Australia in 1970, moved to Head Office in 1972, was promoted to Regional Manager in 1973, and in 1976 became Deputy GM/National Operations Manager.

Additional roles Ken held included:

  • BRI Director
  • NSW Association Director and President
  • Australia New Zealand President

Ken resigned in 1986.

Ken’s involvement in the formation of ASB began in 1968, supporting his father, Syd. Allied Mills’ Board gave Ken 100% support, and broad industry canvassing followed. He chaired the first meeting in 1970, which had 39 attendees out of 70 members. As Chairman again in 1974, he led 15 members to the ASBE USA 50th Meeting. Ken maintained an active interest in ASB proceedings even after retiring from the industry he dearly loved. Following his father’s footsteps, he convened the “Old Time Bakers” lunch group for 40 years until COVID hit in 2020.

Sydney (Syd) Packham OAM – 1970 – Hall of Fame 2008

Founder of the ASB. Born in 1907 in North Sydney, Syd was 11 months old when his father, James, bought a bakery known as Centenia Bakery. When his father passed away, Syd, who had been working at the CBA bank, left his job to assist his mother in running the bakery. Though not an apprentice, Syd learned the trade from the loyal employees at the bakery.

Syd eventually purchased the bakery from his mother. In 1946, he attended his first bakery conference in Adelaide and served as President on two occasions. He was also NSW State President for 15 years. Syd sold his bakery in 1959 and became an area manager in 1962.

In addition to his career in baking, Syd became an alderman and later the Mayor of Hurstville. In 2002, he was awarded the OAM (Order of Australia Medal) for his work in associations, the Lions Club, and other civic activities.

John Packham – Joined 1970 – Hall of Fame 2010

John joined the American Society of Bakery Engineers (ASBE) while in America in 1958, where he met ASBE Secretary Victor Marx and his secretary, Mildred, at an ASBE conference.

During the mid-1960s, Syd Packham began corresponding with Victor Marx to explore how to establish an Australian chapter. The British Society of Baking (BSB) had been founded in 1955 by John Thompson, following his attendance at ASBE, and it took several years before the Australian Society of Baking (ASB) was formed.

From 1970, John rarely missed a meeting in either Sydney or Melbourne. Alongside Bernie Day from Home Pride Bakery, he organized the Melbourne conferences for many years.

John stated that networking, friendships, and multiple guest speakers were instrumental in developing his management skills throughout his career.

John remains an honorary member of ASB, BSB, and ASBE.

John Murphy - Joined 1970 (Chairman 1974)

John attended the inaugural ASB meeting in 1969 and the foundation meeting in 1970. He served on the committee several times and joined the 50th Anniversary ASBE USA Study Tour in 1974.

At the time John joined ASB, he was already the Production Manager at the Tip Top Fairfield bakery, following a successful apprenticeship and the completion of the East Sydney Tech Bakery Supervisor Course.

Thanks to his friendly management and training style, John enjoyed a successful career with Tip Top.

Harold Ewen - Joined 1970

Harold attended the inaugural ASB meeting in February 1969 but sent apologies for missing the May foundation meeting in 1970. He joined the committee on several occasions and was always willing to participate in discussions and assist members.

The family engineering business he ran, Vic Ewen and Son, was renowned for its custom-made tunnel ovens, conveyor systems, roundabout bread tables, and much more. A quiet and reliable achiever, Harold went on to assist Founder Syd in his final contribution to the industry by establishing the “Old Time Bakers” luncheon group, which reached a mailing list of over 70 participants before the era of emails.

Phil Dadd Joined 1970 (Chairman 1984, 2002)

Phil attended the inaugural ASB meeting in 1969 and the foundation meeting in 1970. He served on the first committee and was the first Chairman to chair consecutive meetings. Phil was a guest speaker several times, and members always enjoyed his presentations and content.

At the time he joined ASB, Phil was well known as the Bakery Development Manager with EOI. In 1977, he took a major step by opening his own direct-sale Sponge Lamington fundraising concept business, while also supplying to wholesale bakers.

Jack Simpson Joined - 1971

Born and raised in Melbourne, Jack served an apprenticeship as a pastry cook. He joined Australian Bakels as the Victoria Country Representative and later moved to Sydney, where he became NSW Sales Manager and eventually National Sales Manager.

At one point, Don Miller and Jack opened and operated a bakery in Phoenix, Arizona, where they successfully introduced Australian-style meat pies to Americans.

Jack co-founded the innovative Biskex Food Company with Ern Eves. In 1988, Jack and his wife retired to the Gold Coast, but he never lost contact with many of his ASB member friends.

Ian Middleton - Joined - 1971

Ian was a Sydney-based identity with an engineering and sales background, initially holding a management position at Sterling Machinery Co. and later with Baker Perkins Ltd. He joined ASB in its early days and encouraged his staff to become active members as well.

A well-liked industry figure, Ian was a strong supporter of independent bakers during the early Hot Bread Shop development days, while also maintaining solid corporate connections. Ian left us far too soon. RIP.

Ernest (ERNIE) Eves AM – joined 1971

Born and educated in the UK, Ernie obtained excellent credentials in City and Guilds training and earned a National Baking Diploma.

He emigrated to Australia in 1967 and joined the Fermex Yeast Co., eventually becoming Sales Manager. In 1974, Ernie and his wife Maureen opened their first family-owned Hot Bread Shop in Mosman, NSW. In 1978, they returned to the UK and opened a bakery chain in Gloucestershire.

Returning to Australia in 1982, Ernie co-founded The Biskex Co. with Jack Simpson, and in 1992, he partnered with Ian Parker to establish Parker’s Pretzels.

In the 2006 Australia Day Honours List, Ernie was awarded an Order of Australia for his service to the food industry, particularly through the establishment of cereal-based production companies in Australia and the development of a walnut-growing and processing enterprise.

A busy man to this day!

Zig Bluzmanis Joined - 1971 (Chairman 1979)

Zig joined ASB in 1971 and served on the committee several times before accepting the role of Chairman in 1980. After winning National Apprentice of the Year in pastry cooking, his knowledge and creativity led him to teach pastry and hospitality part-time at East Sydney Tech, as well as write the National Training Curriculum for all states.

After several corporate roles, his professional and management expertise gave him the confidence to successfully open Colonial Baked Foods. This success also allowed him to enthusiastically pursue his love of cars.

Mike Dennis Joined - 1971

Mike attended the first AGM in 1971 and joined the committee, eventually serving as Secretary for six years, starting in 1976, following the retirement of Syd Packham. He was a guest speaker on at least two occasions.

After completing his apprenticeship in the family business, Mike joined the BRI at an exciting time when no-time doughs were being developed. His personality and training skills as a Bakery Instructor were highly sought after. This was followed by a successful and diversified 30-year career in several divisions of Allied Mills.

John Gibbs Joined -1972 (Chairman 1985)

John owned and operated a large, successful pie, cake, and pastry business in Adelaide, which was later merged with Balfours, where he continued to showcase his management skills. He joined ASB in 1970 and participated in the 50th Anniversary ASBE USA study tour in 1974. John was a guest speaker in 1976 and served as a member of the ASB committee. He teamed up with Fred Jones to organize ASB meetings in South Australia.

John was a great friend to many and made significant contributions to ASB and the industry.

Herbert (Bert) Milgate – Joined 1973 (Chairman 1989)

Bert was associated with a company called Milgate Jones and Gaweth, probably in the late 1940s, where he made bakery machinery. He is best known for his work with Mauri Brothers & Thompson, importing bakery equipment from around the world. A highlight of his long industry career was the introduction of the ‘Batter Whip’ bread.

Bert was a wonderful advocate for the ASB and ASBE, encouraging member companies to join and become involved.

Bob Jones – Joined 1973

Bob Jones commenced a baking apprenticeship in the northwestern Victorian town of Red Cliffs in 1967. He later took on positions with the Bunge organization, starting as a test baker and progressing through the ranks into various management positions. During this time, Bob was fortunate to be mentored by industry leaders such as John Tillott and Lloyd Davies, which inspired him to take great pleasure in mentoring newcomers to the industry.

In 1987, he established his own baking business in the Ballarat area of Victoria, which he ran for 11 years. Following this, he returned to the corporate world with Bunge, Bunge Defiance, and finally Goodman Fielder, where he held various management roles, including Technical Director of Baking Australia.

Afterward, Bob established a consultancy, working with major players in the Australasian food industry.

Fred Jones Joined 1973 (Chairman 1991)

Fred was known as a skilled and creative engineer in Adelaide, with bakery engineering being a prominent part of his business. His hobby involved rebuilding and converting what became a rare collection of cars. His friendly and supportive manner toward his broad customer base was greatly admired.

He joined ASB in 1972 and participated in the 50th Anniversary ASBE USA study tour in 1974. As South Australian interest and membership grew, Fred strongly advocated for SA to be a meeting location and subsequently became part of the successful organizing committee.

Ron Deveraux – Joined 1974 (Chairman 1980,1981)

The Devereaux family has been part of Warracknabeal’s history. Ron was likely born in Warracknabeal and became a baker and pastry cook, later establishing a successful Hot Bread bakery business in the town.

Ron was a quiet and loyal member of the ASB, attending many events, including at least two ASBE conferences in the USA. He was a lifelong friend of Fred Jones from South Australia.

Robert Davies – Joined 1975 (Chairman 1998) Hall of Fame 2015

I was born into the bakery business. My great-grandfather, John Davies, was a baker in Talbot with his brother Henry. In 1894, John left Talbot and purchased Gray’s Bakery business in Eureka St, Ballarat, which was later run by my grandfather, Frederick, and subsequently by his three sons: Jack, Lloyd (my father), and Fred. The three sons sold the business to Bunge in 1962.

I joined Bunge Bakeries Division (Sunicrust) in 1963 as an Accountancy Trainee but transferred to a Management Trainee role after realizing I was not cut out to be an accountant. Upon completing my training, I held many management roles, including General Manager of the following Sunicrust Bakeries: Yallourn North, Assistant to the GM of Gawith’s Bakery in Melbourne, GM of Bairnsdale, Ararat, Geelong, Ballarat, Melbourne, and the Bunge Mill in Ballarat. I was also offered a partnership role in Cripps Bakery in Hobart but declined the position due to family reasons.

John Packham, who was my Area Manager, invited me to join the ASB when I was General Manager of Sunicrust Bakeries in Ballarat. In 1994, I resigned from Bunge and purchased San Remo Bakery in Brunswick St, Fitzroy, Melbourne. This was the achievement of a long-held dream of my wife Glenda and myself to have our own business.

After several years of operating the bakery in Fitzroy, we purchased Patties Melbourne business in Thomastown, which we ran for several years until we outgrew the leased factory. We then decided to build our own bakery in Broadmeadows. Patties Foods were looking for a partner to assist with production after purchasing Four and Twenty in Melbourne. We formed a partnership, Davies Bakery Pty Ltd, which still operates today.

I served as Chairman of the ASB from 1997 to 1998. Membership in the ASB has been beneficial for me, as I got to know many bakery business owners and executives of major bakery companies, as well as machinery and ingredient suppliers to the industry.

Mike Flemming – Joined 1976

Mike’s baking career began as an apprentice pastry cook in the Sydney suburb of Earlwood at Kriskake in 1961. He attended East Sydney Technical College (ESTC), earning a pastry cooking trade certificate and a commercial cookery trade certificate through part-time evening classes.

In 1967, he traveled to the United Kingdom, finding work in bakeries in London and hotels in Glasgow, Scotland, where he served as the Pastry Chef and Sous Chef at the Royal Stewart Hotel. He returned to Australia in 1970 to work as a Sous Chef at the Florida Hotel in Terrigal. In 1971, he opened Carolyn Cakes in the Sydney suburb of Croydon Park.

Mike became actively involved with industry activities as a member of the Master Pastrycooks Association of NSW, the Australian Society of Baking Engineers, and The Catering Institute of Australia/Pastrycooks and Bakers Guild. With corporate support, he conducted the first National Baking Competition at ESTC during the Bicentennial year, 1988.

In 1979, he joined the teaching staff in the baking section of East Sydney Technical College, rising to Head Teacher of Pastry Cooking/Acting Head of Branch Hospitality from 1988 through to 1992.

An opportunity arose with a job offer to establish Singapore’s first Professional Baking School, the Baking Industry Training Centre (BITC). Serving as the Principal/Master Trainer from March 1993 to March 1998, he accepted the challenge of establishing the school’s infrastructure, staff selection and training, and course curriculum for a business that would operate for 25 years at the local flour mill.

In 1998, Mike joined a local Singapore company and, over 25 years, gained extensive experience throughout Asia and beyond as a consultant, technical advisor, and educator. A second baking school was established in 2008, offering diploma courses in Baking Arts and Science. Mike remains actively involved in the industry through consultation and volunteer work.

He has written two books: Baking in Asia, showcasing his activities in Asia and beyond, and Baking for Non-Bakers, which focuses on the basic information needed to succeed in baking. His third book, The Reasons Why, is expected to be published in the second half of 2025.

Theo Hanson – Joined 1976

Theo was a tall and strong baker from Rockingham and Safety Bay in Western Australia. He regularly attended the ASB meetings.

Notably, from 1939 onwards, Theo arranged to deliver bread and The Mirror newspaper to outlying country areas south of Perth. Many bakers could be relied on to help country people.

Laurie Gray- Joined 1977

After years of baking bread, pies, and cakes in Northern Victoria, Laurie had enough of the early starts and aprons and decided to retire.

Then came Farina, “The Lost City.” Farina was built alongside The Ghan railway in the 1800s, and when the railway ceased operating, the town died.

In 2009, a group of volunteers reopened the underground wood-fired oven. Laurie volunteered to commence baking and traveled the 1,400 km journey each July to work the oven for at least a month. The abandoned town has become a historic tourist destination, mainly thanks to Laurie Gray.

John Janson – Joined 1977

Born into a baking family, John’s father owned a successful pie manufacturing business in Belmore, and John spent the first 17 years of his life in and around the family business.

After completing his schooling, John worked for H.G. Palmer P/L for five years before realizing his dream of owning a baking business. This dream came true when he and his wife, Betty, opened a Hot Bread Shop—Country Kitchen in Lakemba. After several years of long hours, they decided to sell the business to Roy Taylor. John then took time to recharge and eventually established an operation with business partner Jim Neill in Rouse Hill, manufacturing high-quality dry food dog biscuits. The company was named Box 1 Super Dog Food.

The business was sold in 2001, and the Jansons retired, knowing they had achieved their life’s dream. The ASB members enjoyed John’s affable nature and his willingness to share his extensive knowledge of the industry.

Robin Alberry - joined 1972 Hall of Fame 2009

Born in England, Robin came to Australia in 1966 and became a fully qualified baker and pastry cook. He was employed by EOI Industries as Technical Development Manager, with offices and laboratories located in downtown Sydney by Circular Quay. During this time, Robin worked alongside Phil Dadd, another founding father of the ASB.

In 1971, Robin joined the team at the new Sara Lee operation in Lisarow. Throughout his time with Kitchens of Sara Lee, he served as an enthusiastic ASB Secretary/Treasurer. In the mid-1990s, Robin was selected to lead a new Sara Lee operation in Kirrawee, Sydney.

Now retired and living on the Central Coast of NSW, Robin is recognized as a stalwart of the baking industry, having provided exceptional service to the ASB. He maintained excellent industry contacts until his retirement in 2003.

Grahame McLeod -joined 1977

Member No. 252

Born and raised in Sydney, Grahame served his apprenticeship at the famous ABBCO Bakery in Leichhardt, where he was awarded Apprentice of the Year in NSW in 1970. His constant involvement with the ASB began in 1977 and continues to this day. In 1982, Grahame and his wife Alison opened a Hot Bread Shop in Riverstone.

After selling the successful business in 1989, Grahame was employed by Australian Bakels in Sydney, where he was involved in the research and development of new products, as well as metropolitan sales representation, until his retirement in 2006.

Grahame also became involved with the Rural Fire Service, rising through the ranks to become Deputy Captain in the Hills District (Northwest Sydney Metro area). Much of Grahame’s time is currently taken up with family and the RFS.

Robert (Bob) O’Mara – joined 1977 Hall of Fame 2021

Bob joined White Wings in 1969 on the food service side as a sales representative, but he also worked on the Belshaw machinery. In 1977, he visited the ASBE in America and became involved in the ASB, officially joining that same year. In 1981, Bob and his wife Veronica started their own machinery company, RVO, becoming the agent for Belshaw machines in Australia. Bob was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2019.

Wayne Rapp – Joined 1977 (Chairman 1993)

Wayne began his life in baking in Singleton in 1957, cutting wood daily for the wood-fired oven. He joined Mauri Bros and Thompson (MBT) in 1963, working in the laboratories as a test baker for 10 years before being sent to New Zealand as a product demonstrator. In 1970, he was transferred back to Sydney and worked for Mauri Machinery. In 1981, Wayne joined Mackies, where he worked across the globe until his retirement in 2010. He has acted as Chairman for the ASB and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2013.

Lindsay Weber – joined 1978 (Chairman 2009, 2010, 2011) Hall of Fame 2018

Born and educated in Toowoomba, Lindsay started his career with Defiance Flour Mills as a Trainee Milling Technologist in 1973. Some years later, he joined the Regal Bakery Division of Defiance and completed his trade qualifications as a baker/pastry cook. In 1978, he was awarded the LA Judge Award for the top baking apprentice in Australia.

In 1983, he accepted a position with Sunicrust Bakeries in Melbourne before moving to Brisbane in 1986 to rejoin Defiance. Lindsay later moved back to Victoria to work as State Manufacturing Manager for Tip Top Bakeries. He eventually returned to his hometown of Toowoomba in 1994 when he became a partner at Homestyle Bakeries, where he still works as a director, overseeing over 300 staff across two large manufacturing sites in Toowoomba and on the Gold Coast.

Lindsay is a long-serving member of the ASB committee and undertook the role of Chairman for a three-year period. He is also the Chairman of Golden West Apprenticeships based in Roma and is a keen fan of V8 Supercars, attending several races each year.

Ken Williams joined -1978

Member No. 291

Born and educated in Woking, UK, Ken emigrated with his parents to Australia in 1958, settling in Melbourne. He attended university there, gained his BSc, and worked for ICI in Melbourne before joining Barretts Food Co. (then a division of Mauri Brothers & Thompson) as Chief Chemist from 1969 to 1978.

Ken transferred to MBT (Pinnacle Yeast) Laboratories in North Ryde, NSW, specializing in yeast product research. He traveled to Germany and the UK, studying many facets of yeast, fermentation, and sugar tolerance characteristics.

In 1997, the ever jovial Ken, after consistently attending ASB meetings, semi-retired and began lecturing in Food Technology to students at the University of Western Sydney until he retired in 2007.

Dr Dea Korcari

lallemand netherlands

Dea’s journey into the world of baking began during her studies in Food Science and Technology at the University of Milan, where she studied extensively sourdough related microorganisms and their effects on the baking performance and health-promoting properties of baked products. She pursued a PhD in Food Systems with a special focus on sourdough starter cultures.

In 2022, Dea took her passion and knowledge to Lallemand Baking Solutions, where she gained firsthand experience with industrial baking enzyme applications. Her role at Lallemand allowed her to bridge the gap between academic research and practical industry needs, enhancing her expertise in employing new ingredients to improve the product quality and optimize baking processes.

In addition to her technical contributions, Dea actively engages in knowledge sharing and communication, and she is passionate about disseminating scientific findings in an accessible manner.

Matthew Baker

heuch cooling systems

Matthew Baker has dedicated over 25 years to mastering the baking and pastry industry. His journey began in the United States, where he started as an apprentice and diligently worked his way up the ranks. After completing his education in baking and pastry arts, Matthew had the privilege of studying under a Michelin Starred Chef for two years, achieving the esteemed position of Executive Pastry Chef. His career then expanded into the role of Technical Bakery Trainer for renowned retailers such as Whole Foods Markets, Walmart, and Panera Bread.

Additionally, Matthew contributed his expertise as a Bakery Operations Manager for the United States Army and Marine Corps. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to the Caribbean, where he successfully owned and operated a wholesale bakery for three years.

In the past eleven years, Matthew has brought his wealth of knowledge to the Australian bakery industry, focusing on new product development, sales, and marketing.

Dr Kaiyang Lim


Dr. Kaiyang Lim is an accomplished professional with extensive experience in food science, technology, and engineering. He currently leads a team of food scientists across various industry applications at Corbion Asia Customer Support and Innovation Centre, based in Singapore. Leveraging Corbion core competencies in preservation and his experience in the field, Dr Lim has partnered together with many food producers to meet evolving market needs, such as ensuring smooth transition to natural preservatives while maintaining the highest product standard and delivering innovative solutions to solve market challenges.

In addition to his corporate responsibilities, Dr Lim believes on the importance of the academic contributions to shape the future of food science. He is an adjunct lecturer in few educational institutions in Singapore including the National University of Singapore, Massey University, and Singapore Polytechnic, teaching various food science and technology courses for undergraduate programs.

Dinnie Jordan

kudos blends ltd

Dinnie is the founder and managing director of Kudos Blends. With a unique blend of chemistry expertise, over 30 years of experience in the bakery market, and an unwavering entrepreneurial spirit, Kudos Blends was formed in 1999 with the vision to be ‘the world’s leading supplier of technically driven leavening agents’. This consistent focus on leavening agent technology has ensured the continued research and understanding of the role of this critical ingredient in bakery applications, leading to some ground-breaking product development.

In 2016, Kudos Blends received the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the international trade category, in recognition of soaring worldwide sales. Under her leadership, commitment to innovation and customer service, Kudos Blends has become a thriving global player in the baking industry.

Paul Martin


With over 30 years in industry, Paul began his working career in 1992 with Waterwheel Flour Mills, becoming a fully qualified Flour Miller.

Paul was promoted to Head Technical Miller for the Bridgewater Victoria site for 10 years. In 2010, Paul took a career jump from manufacturing into sales.

This Sales role took him into the Stockfeed Industry, selling feed additives for Aus Pac Ingredients for the next 7 years.

In 2017, Paul joined Haarslev Industries as Area Sales Manager for Australia. Paul has represented Haarslev for the last 7 years, selling process equipment, spare parts, and services into the ANZ Protein Recycling Industry.

Paul has also been an active member of ATMA, Inc., for over 20 years. He held the position of ATMA president for 13 consecutive years. In 2022, Paul stepped down from this role, to take on the position of ATMA Inc Executive Officer, the position which he holds today.